Android Emulator On Macos
I'm new to using Android but am trying to take some screenshots using the Android SDK and the emulator.I've managed to install the SDK on my mac, create an.avd (using one of the pre-configured d.
All emulators 🎮 claim they are #1 Android emulator that are capable for playing any latest game on minimum system resources. Android Emulators are one of the most amazing things for Windows PC and Mac users. Your computer becomes a dynamic device which can run other apps and software which are only compatible with. Android emulator, android for pc, Andy, Android Apps for PC, Android Games for PC. Play all your favorite android games. Directly from your PC or MAC Just launch andy from your desktop Run all your communication apps. From your desktop. (snapchat, Viber, whatsapp etc) Use your phone as a remote control. When playing games.
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
############################################################################### |
# Script to setup a standalone Android Emulator on a macOS machine. |
############################################################################### |
echo'Installing tools and dependencies...' |
touch ~/.android/repositories.cfg |
brew install --cask homebrew/cask-versions/adoptopenjdk8 android-sdk intel-haxm |
echo'Creating Emulator...' |
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT='/usr/local/share/android-sdk' |
# Make sure your JDK version set in the terminal is 1.8 |
# If you have multiple JDK setup, read about how to switch JDK here: |
sdkmanager 'platform-tools''platforms;android-27''extras;intel;Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager''build-tools;27.0.0''system-images;android-27;google_apis;x86''emulator' |
avdmanager create avd -n test -k 'system-images;android-27;google_apis;x86' --tag google_apis |
Android For Mac Os
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
############################################################################### |
# Script to start a standalone Android Emulator on a macOS machine. |
############################################################################### |
echo'Starting Emulator...' |
# Once emulator is created, simply use this one liner to start it. |
# No need to create it again. |
# |
# NOTE: if you Android Studio installed your path to emulator might look like: /Users/your_user_name/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator |
/usr/local/share/android-sdk/emulator/emulator -avd test |